Saturday, July 11, 2020

How to Answer the APUSH Exam - Sample Questions

How to Answer the APUSH Exam - Sample QuestionsThe APUSH exam is an important exam for many students. This exam tests your understanding of the history and society of Native Americans. Many Native American students often find the questions to be difficult, which makes the APUSH exam long essay. Here are some sample APUSH long essay questions to help you become familiar with the APUSH exam.The first question on the APUSH long essay is about the rise of buffalo. For this question, you will need to write an essay that states why a man had a vision to burn a buffalo. You should also describe why you think the vision came true. Another part of the question is to explain how someone who has knowledge about the Native American history would interpret a burning buffalo. These are the areas that you will need to think about in order to properly answer the question.The second question on the APUSH long essay is about the founding of several cities in North America. When you answer this questio n, you will need to find out what the right answers are. You should also mention that the founders of these cities were white settlers and that this is another way that the Native Americans influenced American society.The third question on the APUSH long essay is about how many Native Americans attended Western colleges. Some people wonder if the Native Americans were influenced by white settlers. Others have argued that the Native Americans at these schools were able to integrate with the American society, while others believe that they were taught at these schools to assimilate into society and the West was an opportunity for them to get on with their life.The fourth question on the APUSH long essay is about how many Native Americans were involved in bringing education to the Westerners. Asking this question will help you understand what the purpose of an education was. The same way that learning about Native American culture helped the Westerners understand the culture, the same things can be said about this question.The fifth question on the APUSH long essay is about the role of the school and the native teachers. The teacher was needed to help the Native Americans to get educated and the answer will give you a sense of the different roles played by Native Americans at different times.The last question on the APUSH long essay is about the education of the modern day. When you answer this question, you will need to give a history of the relationship between the Native Americans and the white settlers. This is an important point to consider and you will need to ask yourself, what did the Native Americans do for the settlers in order to improve their life?These five questions are a great way to work through the test and study the history of the Native Americans. Remember that Native American history is very important to you and that knowing it is important in order to understand the country today.